Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating custom audience monitoring streams in HubSpot. Targeted marketing relies on understanding your audience's behavior, and this guide will show you how to set up tailored monitoring streams for deeper insights. By harnessing HubSpot's powerful tools, you can track specific audience segments, analyze their engagement, and refine your marketing strategies. Learn step-by-step how to create these custom monitoring streams, enabling you to optimize your campaigns, boost engagement, and drive meaningful interactions with your audience.


Log in to your Hubspot account


Log in to your Hubspot account and navigate to the main dashboard.


Access the Social Media Tool

Click on the "Marketing" tab located in the main navigation bar, then click on "Social Media" from the drop-down menu.


Navigate to the "Monitoring" tab

Once you are in the Social Media tool, click on the "Monitoring" tab located at the top of the page.


Create a new stream

Click on the "Create stream" button located in the top-right corner of the page.


Choose stream type

A pop-up window will appear asking you to choose the type of stream you want to create. Select "Custom Audience" and click "Next."


Customize stream settings


After saving, you'll be directed to the stream's settings page. Here, you can customize the stream's name, choose the social media platforms you want to monitor, and select the date range for the stream. Click "Save" when you're finished.


View your new stream

Your new custom audience monitoring stream will now appear in the "Monitoring" tab. You can click on the stream's name to view its content and analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns for that specific audience segment.

Congratulations, you've successfully learned how to create custom audience monitoring streams in HubSpot. By setting up these tailored tracking mechanisms, you've equipped your marketing efforts with precision and insights. Continuously monitor and analyze the engagement data to refine your strategies, connect more effectively with your audience, and drive higher conversion rates. As you implement these custom monitoring streams, remember that the key to successful marketing lies in adapting and optimizing based on the valuable insights you've gained.

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