Welcome to our comprehensive guide on developing a knowledge base in Salesforce. Unlock the power of centralized information, efficient content management, and seamless access to valuable resources for improved customer support and increased productivity.


Navigate to Service Home Pag

Log into Salesforce and navigate to your service home page.


Access Service Setup

Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select "Service Setup"


Find Knowledge Setup

Click "View All" in the recommended setup, scroll down to find "Knowledge Setup"


Start Knowledge Setup

The guided setup flow will walk you through every step of configuring and activating your knowledge base.


Select Knowledge Creators

Choose which of your colleagues should be able to create and publish knowledge articles.


Create Categories

Create categories for the different types of content that your knowledge articles will talk about. You can add and edit these even after you're done with this setup flow.


Create a Knowledge Article

Navigate to your knowledge base, click "New" in the upper right. Fill in the title, specify which question or questions the article answers, and write out the solution.


Set Visibility

If you want the article to be publicly visible, check the "Visible in Public Knowledge Base" checkbox. Once published, the article automatically appears on your Help Center.


Assign Categories

Assign the article to the relevant categories.


Publish the Article

Click "Publish" to make the article live. Now, when a customer request comes in, relevant knowledge articles will be automatically suggested based on the case subject and description.

In conclusion, building a knowledge base in Salesforce is a strategic investment for your business. Empower your team with a wealth of organized information, enabling them to deliver efficient and top-notch customer support. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, you can enhance productivity, boost customer satisfaction, and drive long-term success for your organization.

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