Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating and managing deals in HubSpot. Deals are the lifeblood of sales, and with HubSpot's powerful tools, you can optimize your sales process for maximum efficiency and success. Follow our step-by-step instructions to become a deals management pro!


Navigate to the Deals dashboard

Log in to your HubSpot account.

Click on the "Deals" tab in the main navigation menu.


Create a new deal

Click on the "Create deal" button in the top-right corner of the Deals dashboard.

Fill in the deal properties, such as "Deal name," "Deal stage," "Amount," and "Close date."

Associate the deal with a contact and/or company by searching for the name in the "Contact" and "Company" fields.

Select the appropriate pipeline from the "Pipeline" dropdown menu.

Click "Create" to save your new deal.


Edit and update deal properties

Navigate to the deal you want to edit by clicking on its name in the Deals dashboard.

In the "About" section on the right side of the deal page, click the pencil icon next to any property to edit its value.

Update the deal properties as needed, such as changing the deal stage, modifying the amount, or adjusting the close date.

Click "Save" to apply your changes.


Add notes, tasks, and emails to a deal

On the deal page, navigate to the "Timeline" section.

Use the tabs at the top of the Timeline section to create and manage notes, tasks, and emails associated with the deal.

Congratulations! You've completed our guide on creating and managing deals in HubSpot. Now, armed with the knowledge to navigate deals efficiently, you can take your sales game to new heights. Utilize HubSpot's features to track and nurture your deals, turning leads into satisfied customers. Get ready to boost your revenue and grow your business with a streamlined deals management approach!

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