Welcome to our guide on managing contact communication preferences and subscription types in HubSpot. Respect your contacts' preferences and improve engagement. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to handle communication settings and subscriptions for a better customer experience.


Access Portal Settings


Log in to Hubspot

Log in to your HubSpot account.


Navigate to Settings

Locate the gear icon (portal settings) in the top-right corner of the page.

Click the gear icon to access your portal settings.


Navigate to Marketing Email Subscription Types


Go to the Marketing Section

In the portal settings, look for the "Marketing" section.


Select Subscription Type

Click on "Email" and then select "Subscription Types".


Review Your Existing Subscription Types


You will see a list of existing subscription types in your HubSpot account.

By default, HubSpot includes specific types like "One-to-One" and "Marketing Information".

You can create custom subscription types, such as "Blog Subscription" or "Product Information", to better categorize your emails.


Create a New Email Subscription Type


Click "Create Subscription Type"

Click the "Create Subscription Type" button at the top-right corner of the subscription types page.


Give a name for your Subscription Type

In the new window, enter a name for your subscription type, such as "Test".


Provide a Description

Add a brief description of the new subscription type, for example, "This is a Test".


Set as "Active"

Ensure the "Active" toggle is switched on.


Save Your New Email Subscription Type


Click "Finish" to save your new subscription type.

The new subscription type will now appear in the list of available subscription types on your account.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to manage contact communication preferences and subscription types in HubSpot. By respecting your contacts' preferences, you can build trust, increase engagement, and foster positive relationships. Continuously update and honor communication settings to provide a personalized experience. Happy communicating!

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