Learn to create custom views in Front for tag-based email segmentation. Make your inbox more manageable by sorting emails based on custom tags.


Navigate and Create Custom Views

Open your Front dashboard and go to the "Custom Views" section. Click the "New View" button to initiate the process.


Name Your View

Input a name for the custom view that aptly describes its purpose.


Set Up Filters

Under "Filters," select "Tags" as the attribute to segment by.


Choose the Tags

Pick the specific tags you want the custom view to show.


Apply Additional Filters (Optional)

If needed, add any more filters like "Sender," "Date," etc.


Save the View

Confirm your settings and click "Save."


Test the Custom View

Navigate to your new custom view to ensure it displays the emails with the selected tags.

Congrats, you've successfully created custom views in Front! Now enjoy a clutter-free, organized inbox.

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