Leveraging segmentation can significantly boost the performance of your triggered campaigns, making them more personalized and relevant to your customers. In this guide, we're going to delve into the step-by-step process of setting up and using segmentation effectively for your campaigns in Customer.io. Ready to unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts? Let's dive in!


Navigate to 'Segments'

Click on the "Segments" option on the left-hand sidebar. This is where you can create and manage your customer segments.


Define Your Segment

If you have not yet created the desired segment, click "Create Segment". Enter a name and add rules to define the segment based on your preferred customer criteria. Save the segment once you're done.


Navigate to 'Campaigns'

Next, click on "Campaigns" on the left-hand sidebar. This section allows you to create and manage your targeted campaigns.


Click 'Create Campaign'

In the "Campaigns" section, find and click the "Create Campaign" button. This will open a new page where you can define your campaign.


Fill in Campaign Details

Give your campaign a name and description. These should be unique and clearly describe the campaign's purpose.


Select 'Segment Triggered'

Under "Type of Campaign", select "Segment Triggered". This means the campaign will start for people when they enter or exit the selected segment.


Select Your Segment

In the "Segment" dropdown menu, select the segment you previously created. People in this segment will be the ones targeted by this campaign.


Design Your Message

Click "Create Email" (or SMS, Push, etc.), then craft your message. Personalize it as needed by adding relevant variables. Remember to save your work.


Choose When to Send

Under "Workflow", decide when you want the message to be sent once someone enters the segment. You can choose immediate delivery or specify a delay.


Review and Start the Campaign

Review all your campaign details to make sure everything is accurate. If everything looks good, click "Start" to launch your campaign.

Congratulations on completing this in-depth guide on using segmentation for triggered campaigns in Customer.io. With these skills under your belt, you are poised to create highly personalized and relevant campaigns, driving better engagement and conversions. Remember, the essence of effective marketing lies in understanding your customers and catering to their needs — and segmentation is a powerful tool to achieve this. Keep refining your segmentation strategy, and watch as your triggered campaigns become increasingly effective. Happy segmenting!

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