The process will allow you to target your customers more effectively, providing them with relevant and timely content tailored to their individual actions and preferences. Be ready to elevate your customer engagement and retention rates as you delve into the art of behavioral segmentation.


Navigate to 'Segments'

On the left-hand sidebar, click on "Segments." This section is where you can manage and create your user segments.


Click 'Create Segment'

In the "Segments" section, click on the "Create Segment" button to start creating a new segment.


Define Segment Name and Description

Fill in the "Name" and "Description" fields. The name should be unique and the description should briefly describe the characteristics of the segment.


Set Up Behavioral Conditions

Now, you'll need to specify the conditions that define your segment. Click on "Add Condition". In the drop-down menu that appears, select "Behavior" to create conditions based on user actions.


Choose the Specific Behavioral Condition

You will then see a list of behavioral conditions like "Performed Event," "Has Attribute," etc. Choose the one that matches the behavior you want to target. For instance, if you want to target users who completed a specific event, choose "Performed Event."


Configure the Condition

Depending on the condition you chose, you will need to provide more information. For example, if you chose "Performed Event," you will need to specify the event. Fill in the necessary details.


Add More Conditions (Optional)

If you want to narrow down your segment further, add more conditions by repeating Steps 5 to 7. For example, you could add a "Has Attribute" condition to target users who performed an event and also have a specific attribute.


Save the Segment

Once you've defined all the conditions for your segment, click "Save." Your new segment is now ready for use in your campaigns!


Review Segment

You will be taken to the overview page for your new segment. Here, you can review the details and see how many users currently fit your conditions.

Remember, the key to successful marketing lies in continual learning and adjustment. Keep refining your segments, adjusting your strategies, and watch as your business reaps the rewards of highly personalized, targeted communication.

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