Effortlessly extract and share Pipedrive data for external analysis. Enhance decision-making, collaboration, and strategy with insightful reports.


Exporting data through admin settings


Access the Settings


Log in to your Pipedrive account. Click on the three dots in the bottom left corner of your Pipedrive dashboard to access additional options.


Go to Export Data


Click on "Export Data."

Note: This option is only available for admin users.


Choose the data type and format


Select the type of data you want to export (deals, organizations, people, products, activities, or notes). Choose the file format (Excel or CSV) by clicking on the corresponding option.


Export the selected data


Click “Export” and wait for the file to appear in the “Generated Exports” list.


Download the exported data


To download the exported data, click the download icon under the “Available Until” column in the “Generated Exports” list.


Creating a custom report


Go to the List View


Go to the corresponding tab of the data you want to export (deals, organizations, people, products, activities) and click on the list button.


Customize the data for export

Select the columns you want to include in the exported file (e.g., deal titles, organization, contact person, expected close date). Save your column selection.


Apply filters to the data

Edit the current filter or create a new one to select specific data (e.g., organization address is not empty). Apply the filter to the List View.


Export the custom report

Click on the "Export" button to generate and download the custom report in Excel format.


Open the downloaded file to confirm that it includes the selected columns and filtered data

Note: The ability to create custom reports might be available for regular users if enabled in the permissions. To check or modify this setting, go to "Users and Permissions" in the Settings menu.

Empower your business by harnessing Pipedrive's data export features. Unlock valuable insights, foster collaboration, and drive informed decisions externally.

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