Welcome to our guide on using the File column in Monday.com to keep resources organized and accessible. Efficient file management boosts collaboration. In this guide, we'll show you how to attach, organize, and access files for seamless project collaboration.


Log in to your monday.com account

First, you need to sign in to your monday.com account. If you do not have an account, you can create one by going to monday.com and signing up for a plan that fits your needs.


Access your desired board


Click on "+ New"

Select the board that you want to work with, or create a new board by clicking on the "+ New" button in the left sidebar


Choose "Board"

Choose "Board" from the dropdown menu.


Add the File Column


Click on "+ Add Column"

To add the File Column, click on the "+ Add Column" button located at the top-right corner of your board.


Select "File"

From the dropdown list, select "File" to add the column to your board.


Upload files to the File Column


Click on the cell

To add files to the File Column, click on the cell within the File Column corresponding to the item you want to attach a file to.


Click "+ Add File"

Then, click on the "+ Add File" button that appears.



You can choose to upload files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or other connected services.


Preview and download files


Click on the File Icon

You can preview a file by clicking on the file icon in the File Column.



A preview window will open, allowing you to view the file without leaving your board.



You can also download the file by clicking the download button in the preview window.


Manage files in the File Column



To rename a file, click on the file icon in the File Column and then click on the pencil icon next to the file name in the preview window.



To delete a file, click on the "x" icon beside the file.


Add file updates or comments

To add updates or comments to a file, click on the speech bubble icon next to the file name in the preview window. This will open a side panel where you can add updates or comments related to the file.


Create automations for the File Column

You can set up automations for the File Column to streamline your workflow. For example, you can create an automation to notify team members when there are changes in the file column.


Click on the Robot Icon

To set up automations, click on the robot icon at the top-right corner of your board.


Choose Automation

Choose your desired automation from the list.


Share files with team members

To share files with team members, you can mention them in the updates or comments section.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to use the File column in Monday.com for efficient file management. By organizing files within your projects, you can improve collaboration, streamline document access, and enhance team productivity. Continuously keep your files updated and organized to optimize project workflows. Happy file managing!

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