Sync Pipedrive tasks seamlessly with Google Calendar or Outlook. Stay organized, never miss a task, and boost productivity effortlessly.


Accessing Calendar Sync Settings


Navigate to the Settings menu in Pipedrive, and under the Personal section, click on "Calendar Sync."


Connecting Your Calendar

Pipedrive supports syncing with major calendar providers like Google and Microsoft. Connect your preferred calendar to Pipedrive by selecting it on this page.


Configuring Sync Options


Once your calendar is connected, select the specific calendar you want to sync and choose between a one-way or two-way sync. For a two-way sync, set up the default activity type. You can also disable sync for certain activity types if desired.


Understanding Sync Limitations


Note that when you first initiate the sync, Pipedrive will only sync events planned after the sync is initiated. Past events won't be synced.


Viewing Synced Events in Pipedrive


After syncing your calendar, your events will appear in your Pipedrive activity list and calendar.


Adding Activities in Pipedrive


You can now add more activities within Pipedrive and send calendar invites to contact persons.


Syncing Pipedrive Activities to Your External Calendar


Activities created in Pipedrive will sync back to your external calendar, ensuring both calendars stay up-to-date.

Elevate your task management game by integrating Pipedrive with Google Calendar or Outlook. Streamline workflows, save time, and conquer your goals efficiently. Try it today!

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