Welcome to our guide on creating mobile-optimized Salesforce dashboards for on-the-go access. Stay connected and make data-driven decisions on your mobile device. In this guide, we'll show you how to design dashboards that are easy to view and interact with on mobile devices.


Navigate to Dashboard

Login to your Salesforce Account. Go to the Dashboard tab.


Choose the dashboard

Click the dashboard that you want to access/edit or “New Dashboard”. Click on “Edit”.


Customize the Components

Remove unnecessary components by hitting on the “x”. Add components to your dashboard by using the “+ component” button. Resize and rearrange the components to fit the mobile screen better.


Test the Mobile Layout on a Mobile Device

Open the Salesforce Dashboard on your mobile device to see how the mobile layout performs.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to create mobile-optimized Salesforce dashboards. By designing dashboards with a mobile-first approach, you can access critical data and insights anytime, anywhere. Continuously optimize your dashboards for mobile viewing to stay agile and responsive in your decision-making process. Happy dashboarding on-the-go!

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