Crisp Chat is a live chat software that allows you to set up auto responses to common questions or requests. This can help you to provide better customer service and free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks.


Log in to Your Crisp Account


Navigate to the Crisp website and sign in to your account.


Access the Dashboard


After logging in, you'll be taken to your dashboard.


Go to the Plugins Section

On the left-hand side menu, click on the 'Plugins' option.


Look for Auto Responder Plugin

In the Plugins section, find the 'Auto Responder' plugin. This might require scrolling if you have several plugins installed.


Install the Plugin

Click on the 'Install' button next to the Auto Responder plugin.

Setting up auto responses in Crisp Chat is a great way to improve your customer service and free up your time. By automating common tasks, you can focus on more important things, such as providing personalized support to your customers.

Want us to Set Up Auto Responses for you?
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